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Crews attempt to pump oil from stricken cargo ship in Greece


Response crews in Greece are working to clean up and pump oil from the stricken cargo ship MV Cabrera which ran aground December 24 on the Greek island of Andros during heavy weather.

An update from the Hellenic Coast Guard on Wednesday afternoon said crews have been able to pump 4,600 liters of oil from one of the ship’s fuel tanks. Meanwhile absorbent boom has been placed along the length of the ship, which is partially sunk along the rocky coastline.

The Antigua and Barbuda-flagged MV Cabrera ran aground in severe weather this past Saturday, resulting in the daring rescue of all nine crew members by Hellenic Navy helicopters.

The Coast Guard says clean up of oil and debris is also on-going at nearby beaches and along the coastline. Small sheens of oil have been spotted throughout the response although officials have not said exactly how much oil has been released into the environment. The Coast Guard said an iridescent film has been spotted on the water near the vessel covering approximately 800 square meters.

Three tugs from nearby Gavrio have been assisting with oil pumping operations.

Weather has been a problem throughout the response so far.

The 5,553 dwt MV Cabrera was sailing from Larymna, Greece to Finland with 3,500 tons of ferronickel at the time of grounding. The ship is likely a total loss.

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