Cross River
The priority of our economy should be paramount, especially the industrialization and manufacturing must be revived in order to create wealth, provide jobs and reduce poverty. If the country is able to tackle the economy, it will be on the path to stability. There should be sincerity in anti-corruption fight and strengthening the naira against the dollar. I will want the Federal Government to lift the ban placed on importation of used cars and other items and work towards industrialisation of the country.

The leaders of the country need to tackle the increasing rate of unemployment which is responsible for the rising cases of social vices such as human trafficking, cultism, kidnapping and armed robbery in the society. The President should devise means to create jobs and facilitate more empowerment schemes for the unemployed in the country. Also, there is need to look into the poor salary structure of Nigerian workers and also to look into the welfare package of the workers in the face of the prevailing economic hardship.

I hope that the issue of minimum wage for Nigerian workers would be handled in 2018, because most Nigerians can no longer afford one good meal daily due to poverty. The issue of reviving the country’s refineries should be taken seriously this year. It is scandalous for a country that exports crude oil to be importing almost 100 percent finished petroleum products, thereby making the country to depend on the mercy of foreign countries. Our so-called leaders must act rightly for the best of our country.

The President MuhammaduBuhari can still implement the ‘change mantra’ which the party promised the citizens before another election era comes up.It is time for him to sack his ministers and replace them with professionals who can do the job effectively. I believe when all things are put in the right place and done at the right time, then the country can pick up most especially the economy sector.

It is time for the leaders of the country to know that the present administration has not done well so far. Specifically, the President should give Nigerians power, quality education and end the issue of Fulani herdsmen menace in the Northern part of the country. Unemployment has continued to be on the increase despite the promise he made during his electioneering campaign that he would create at least 300,000 jobs annually during his tenure and this is the year for the President to fulfil all the promises he made to make the difference by massively employing Nigerian youths.

Ogun State
In this year 2018, it is high time the President stoppedusing EFCC to intimidate people. I think our President is being used by cabal to achieve their selfish interests. He should maintain or keep to the provisions of the constitution of the country. As it stands, according to the law of this country, we don’t have an EFCC chairman. I think Magushould be removed so that there will be sanity in this country. It is time the President also resigned as Minister of Petroleum and I will suggest the appointment of an experienced person to pilot the affairs of the sector.

I expect a robust economic policy as well as good governance, while the ministers should be changed in order for youths to rule. Food should be cheaper while fuel should be allowed to flow freely.If it is the reintroduction of subsidy that will make fuel to flow freely government should give in to subsidy to ease off the problems citizens are going through.

I want the President to be able to calm the nerves of angry Nigerians by balancing his political appointments and abiding by the rule of law as an exemplary leader. He should give Nigerians a true change which he promised them during his electioneering campaigns. By so doing, he would have shown that we are not fools for not asking him and his party the type of change they meant while they were campaigning in 2015.

Sango, Ota
It is time for the Federal Government to sackher cabinet and inject fresh people with fresh ideas into the system. Nigerians have seen what the current ministers are capable of doing and I feel the citizenry have had more than their fair share of suffering since 2015. I urge President MuhammaduBuhari to work on the nation’s economy. We have severally been told that the nation has come out of its economic woes, but if it does not positively impact on the people, it does not make sense. Also, the government should improve the railways and our roads should be repaired because the nation’s road network has failed completely.

This year 2018 should be about the country getting it right. I want the President to be decisive and learn to take action promptly. The government must strive to make foreign currency available to those genuinely in need for business and school fees. Invest more in agriculture to consolidate on gains of 2017 where many more people including state governments have gone back to farm. Nigerians should be able to produce what to eat locally and earn foreign exchange too. The completion of East-West road and revival of ports in Calabar, Port Harcourt, Warri, Benin must be done to create jobs for youths in the Niger Delta rather than tampering with peoples’ lives and bombing our pipelines.

Ogun State
Nigeria is becoming a country where her citizens are tired of staying and by all means want to leave for other countries. The President this year has to play less politics with corruption.He should provide power, transport, and employment to the jobless youths in addition to tackling insecurity among other things as he promised during his electioneering campaigns.

I would want the President to be more focussed in his fight against corruption. Frankly speaking, our leaders have tried in the area of insecurity but the economy is in shambles. We have so many tales about recovery of the economy but we are yet to feel it. Many Nigerians are hungry and angry because they can’t afford three square meals. Some children have dropped out of schools simply because their parents are owed salaries. Look at the fuel scarcity issue which has been on since last year and still nothing has been done. It appears the oil marketers are more powerful.

The security of lives and property should be taken seriously this year especially in the Northern parts of the country.There should be an end to attacks from Fulani herdsmen on innocent Nigerians living in those areas. This administration also need to put an end to the crimes committed by Boko Haram insurgency, in order to save many lives.

Port Harcourt
The President should do more in 2018 on issues affecting the economy, unemployment and poverty. Though we are told that the economy is out of recession but Nigerians are yet to see tangible proofs of that in their daily lives. The determinant of how well a government is doing is based on GDP statistics, employment figures and disposable income.

My aspiration for this year 2018 is that there should be introduction of price control mechanism that would regulate the prices of goods and services in the country. There is need to check the proliferation of private universities in the country.This would sanitize the educational system in Nigeria. Our leaders should also ensure that the universities in the country focus more on library work and research in order to ensure the development of manpower in the university. Also, the government should work towards corruption in all areas in this country this year.

The President has been so inconsistent in his policy statements. He needs to give attention to it. It is not enough for the President to make promise or statement. What is important is that the President should put what he says into action. Like in the area of the nation’s economy, the President has made several policy statements but we have not seen anything working. He should change his attitude about policies. He should amend his policies in 2018 to have direct positive impact on the masses. More action needs to be done in 2018 and less talk.

There should be good governance and provision of conducive business environment in 2018 because the truth is that all businesses in Nigeria are crumbling due to the harsh economic situation. There is need for the Presidentto rearrange his economic team to boost business in the country. He should also ensure that CBN tackles the high rate of exchange rate to enable businessmen and women to bring in the approved goods.

The year 2017 has been a most difficult one for Nigerians. This year, I expect leaders to fight corruption to its logical conclusion but what we have seen so far in the corruption fight is taking the war to the door steps of the opposition while the President party men and cronies are treated with kid gloves. None of his cronies accused of corruption has been prosecuted, instead, they are given soft landing. If he wants to be taken seriously in the corruption war, he should do away with the corrupt people around him because Nigerians will not be deceived again in 2019.

The leaders of the country should put a stop to the prevailing fuel scarcity. It is not good at all that we are passing through this experience again this New Year. I remembered when this administration assumed power,we thought we would no longer experience fuel scarcity, but see what is happening now. We all know that before things can get better, we have to endure some pains. But, the pain is becoming too excruciating to bear. All I want from our leaders is to fix the power problem. Also, our leaders should provide food for the masses by investing heavily in agriculture. I will advise the President to do away with cabals who he said, have hijacked his administration.