Pirates steal oil from hijacked oil tanker

  Armed pirates have commandeered a Thai tanker and pumped out its cargo of oil. The…

Hijacked Singapore-registered oil tanker recovered in Ivory Coast

A hijacked Singapore-registered oil tanker has been recovered and escorted to Abidjan port in Ivory Coast…

‘Tanker not hijacked by pirates off Somali coast’ 

  The Panama-flagged chemical/oil tanker Aegean II was not hijacked off the Horn of Africa earlier…

Pirates release MT Marine Express hijacked off Cotonou 

By Jite Eriabie  Pirates in the Gulf of Guinea have released a Panama-flagged oil tanker and…

Somali pirates release hijacked ship 

A bulk carrier that was reportedly hijacked by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden on Saturday is…

Somali pirates demand ransom, move hijacked ship to undisclosed location 

Pirates who hijacked an Indian cargo dhow with 11 crew on board have moved the ship…

Somali pirates release second hijacked ship 

Somali pirates have released a small dhow which authorities feared could be used to launch attacks on…

‘Hijacked Aris 13 vessel an easy target for Somali pirates’ 

The tanker Aris 13 hijacked in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia was an “easy target…

65 passengers released from hijacked Libyan plane

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has confirmed that 65 passengers have been released from a Libyan…

Breaking: Libyan plane with 118 passengers aboard hijacked

A Libyan aircraft with 118 people on board has landed in Malta after being hijacked, according…

Russia identifies merchant ship hijacked off Benin    

The merchant vessel believed to have been hijacked by pirates some 72 nautical miles off the coast…