The Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) has announced that starting from 1st January, 2022, there will be a change in the official working system at its offices and customer happiness centres.
The new working days will be from Monday to Friday, with the extension of the weekly holiday to be on Saturday, Sunday and half-a-day of Friday, in line with the Dubai Government’s resolution, which is in accordance with the new system of the Federal Government.
The corporation circulated the new announcement about changing its working hours at the level of employees and customers, in line with the direction of the Emirate of Dubai, which aligns with the vision of the UAE and aims to enhance its competitive position globally, especially in the economic and business sectors.
As of 1st January, the corporation will reduce the weekly working days from five days to four and a half days, from 7:30 until 15:30, except for Friday, which will be a half-working-day from 7:30 until 12:00.
The corporation will implement these timings in its offices and customer happiness centers in its departments and its affiliated authorities, represented by the Department of Planning and Development – Trakhees, the Dubai Maritime City Authority, the Dubai Ports Authority, the Marine Agency for Wooden Ships, and the Security and Investment Departments.
The corporation affirmed the continuation of work in the contact centre 800990 around the clock, seven days a week, to receive inquiries and comments from the customers of the PCFC, its business units and from the society in general, to ensure its presence to serve them according to their needs and requirements.
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