Yes it will because physical examination is what is being done at our ports and this delays the clearing of cargoes but if the faulty scanners are replaced with new ones, this will aid service delivery and it will help achieve the 48-hours of clearing of cargoes at the ports and also the security implication cannot be overemphasized. The government should ensure the scanners are well installed and working effectively, not just scanning but that can scan up to the optimal level. If the scanners were working, the issue of arms coming into the country will not have happened and would have been detected. It is not about having scanners only but the operators of these equipment must be people with integrity that are trustworthy and cannot compromise their stand to monitor these scanners. In a busy port like ours, one or two scanners are not enough to facilitate movement of cargoes and we are talking about increasing the turnaround time of vessels; how do we do that without adequate machines?

Definitely yes because the scanners are meant to scan containers within a short time and if there is any infraction on such container, it can be detected and sent for 100% examination. Ideally, if a container is properly scanned within two to three minutes one is done and when a container is taken for examination it impedes trade facilitation.

Yes it is already affecting it because the manpower to reach the challenges of what the machine can do is not there; the issue of faulty scanners has been on for a while and everything at the port is being done manually. The scanners at our seaports are not meant to be faulty; it is the duty of the providers of these scanners to ensure that the modules are installed rightly and the operators of these scanners should be well knowledgeable on the operation of the equipment. If there is need for repair, it should be done by the right operators and not a mediocre. We need to start learning how to do things right in this country and not known for ineffectiveness.

Yes because illegal containers are coming into the country due to the breakdown and this is as a result of the issue of the arms that was seized recently, and this could have been avoided if the container was properly scanned. If good, new and effective scanners are fixed; it will stop officers who take bribe and involve in negligence of their duty; and it will also keep the officers and agents safe. There is no way an officer can physically scan containers if he is not knowledgeable about it and this is actually affecting the clearing of cargoes.
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