Again, APM Terminals Mumbai surpasses 2 million TEUs 

Again, APM Terminals Mumbai surpasses 2 million TEUs 


In 2019, APM Terminals Mumbai handled more than 2 million TEUs throughput for the second consecutive year. The terminal, commissioned in 2006, remains the only Indian container terminal to have achieved this record in a calendar year.

“As a team, we are proud to have achieved the milestone of 2 million TEUs once again. On behalf of the management, I would like to thank our customers for this achievement, without whose collaboration this would not have been possible. I would also like to express my gratitude towards all our stakeholders – Jawaharlal Nehru Port, Jawaharlal Nehru Customs, our employees and all members of the trade who have helped us operate at high productivity levels to make this achievement a reality once again,” the chief operating officer of APM Terminals Mumbai, Girish Aggarwal, said. 

The terminal has continued its focus on strong collaborative efforts with all its customers – shipping lines, cargo owners, Container Fright Stations (CFSs) and transporters to realise high efficiency levels.

Initiatives, implemented in partnership with CFSs, such as ‘Vehicle Booking System’ and digitisation measures, such as ‘Customer Service Portal’ have boosted efforts towards ensuring customer delight.

All process improvement initiatives have been based on a strong safety culture, which not only covers employees but also external stakeholders, thus reducing any time losses due to safety concerns.

The terminal further remains committed towards improvement of ease of doing business at the port by embracing increased digitisation interventions.