I am not satisfied because the implementation so far has suffered setbacks by saboteurs because some of the personnel who benefitted from the gridlock in time past are already frustrating the e-call up system because they are unhappy with the innovation. An example is the case of truck drivers having photocopied tickets already for a system that started less than three weeks. I will suggest the outsourcing of the system to a competent private organisation that could drive the project successfully without fear of compromise and sabotage. I must say that the e-call up system is a perfect idea but the longevity is what is paramount. NPA cannot just decide to come up with a solution without looking at the problem, which is the main cause. They can’t build a system and expect the same people in control to still be there without expecting a flop in it. If the system changes, then there should be total change of persons in control of the system.

The implementation of the system has reduced the extortion, fighting and other vices that were associated with unregulated systems of allowing trucks into the ports. Although I am aware of the forgery of the e-call up slip, there are ways to checkmate it. The authority should put more effort, they should put more security features that will make it impossible for them to forge. Bringing up something new does not mean it is perfect, the implementation has started and I am also commending the efforts and I appreciate it. I know there are challenges the system is facing right now but I must say, presently it is far better than where we are coming from because the rate of extortion, exploitation, intimidation, death fatigue and stress has reduced drastically and the amount being expended to pass the trucks has also reduced drastically but my only concern is that the operators should be careful not to allow sycophants to hijack the system from them.

I would say the implementation of the system is wrong timing because it is already a mess. There is lack of transparency and this is sabotaging all efforts of resolving the issue of the gridlock at the Lagos ports. The government needs to do their assignment well enough before coming up with anything pertaining to the issue of ports, most especially Apapa port. I will suggest that the names of the trucks, drivers and owners should be printed everyday for everyone to be aware of the trucks that will be allowed in and out of the port for accountability and effectiveness and it should be the number of trucks that the port can contain in order not to cause gridlock on the road. By doing this, I am sure things will be in order and sanity will return to our ports.

The implementation of the electronic truck call-up system has not been effective because the government is sabotaging all efforts at resolving the issue of the gridlock at the port. Organising several committees of Taskforce to address the situation is not the solution, as it is an avenue to enrich certain individuals through sharp practices and other illegal activities at the port access roads. It is not a matter of committee or collaboration because there is a conspiracy among the people deployed to that arena. The cabals of that arena will not allow solutions to come to pass. If it has taken the government many decades to solve the gridlock and it is yet to be solved, this shows something is fishy. I heard some certain trucks have been selected for the electronic call-up system, so tell me what happens to the rest of the trucks and the owners? Government needs to be fair to everyone and they need to do things judiciously.
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