Ballast Equipment Manufacturers Association seeks NGO status with IMO

ICS and Liberia welcome amendments to ballast water convention


The Ballast Equipment Manufacturers Association (BEMA) has applied for a NGO Consultative Status with the IMO to offer their official, non-commercial and technical voice to the existing regulators, owners and environmental groups currently represented at IMO.

Dr Efi Tsolaki, president of US-based BEMA, said “with the opportunity to gain NGO status at the IMO, BEMA will be able to provide their expertise on the technologies, capabilities, limitations and future R&D opportunities to the IMO discussions that are currently not available through other channels.”

In addition, Tsolaki noted that both the IMO and BEMA are organisations whose mission, vision and strategic goals align with respect to supporting smooth implementation and oversight of the critical environmental challenge that invasive aquatic species presents.