I believe it will work because these are goods, people use on daily basis. Rather than Customs confiscating them, it would help the economy if they auction them out.The auction should not be limited to only online.They can organise some sought of trade fair with some organized bodies where people can come and see for themselves and buy those goods. Because we are in the age of technology where nothing is impossible, cybercrime will definitely take place and Nigerians will lose their money. I am not sure if Customs would be ready to take responsibility for that. I think online auction with strict security checks and also trade fair to sell them will not be a bad idea, provided there is no hike in the price.
Niger State
Nigeria is a good market place for ready made goods, but we should take note of the activities of corrupt Customs officials. Putting these commodities online does not give an assurance that it has not been auctioned and sold amongthem. It will definitely be a good concept if the operation is being carried out effectively and successfully.
Oron, AkwaIbom
The online auction will work and also help us as a country. These are my reasons; the advantage of bidding via online is that it provides the opportunity to compare the price online. The bidder can do a small research regarding the product, price and quality with other online auction site before participating in the bidding.Customs auction website will provide multiple choices and variety of products online which gives plenty of choice for the bidder to select the car of his interest.Online auction saves time and money, for example, by going on the site makes it possible for the user to participate in auction which also saves money spent for transportation to the auction spot and the bidder can participate in auction from anywhere at any time through online auction which means there is no limitation regarding the time, place, or person to conduct online auction.
I think online auction might not be effective because of fraudsters who are online. Personally, I do not trust goods online because some persons have used social media network to swindle people.The cyber criminals will hijack this process in no time and the platform will be used in robbing people.It should be an open auction as done in developed countries.
The initiation will be a great alternative online store platform for the citizens but certain unfavourable guidelines and conditions may be prone to criticism and controversy overtime. Meanwhile, the Comptroller-General of Customs, Hameed Ali, has introduced this scheme to facilitate transparency, reduce human contacts and a source of revenue generation for the country.The IT department that will administer and carry out the e-portal process should endeavour optimum security of the database as this will provide long-lasting fight against hacking and other cyber-crimes.
I expect it to work. Thehighest bidder gets the goods and the issue of misconduct is void since it is a direct way of raising revenue for the government. The only challenge which should not be an issue is setting up a user friendly online platform accessible by all because there are several online marketing platforms like Jumia, Konga and so on which can be replicated for Customs.
Yes, I think it will work provided the system of auctioning is technically sound, devoid of manipulation by Customs and corrupt practices. The system should be open, transparent because online auctioning has more advantages than disadvantages. People should register withdetailed documentation to prevent fraudsters.Also, online auctioning would make participation open to a large cross-section of the populace as such time and money is safe.
Details of the product can be provided so as to get the auctioneers adequately informed and the benefits of multiple choices are there and price comparison.
It is ethically wrong for Customs to do that because these goods are illegal or duties were not paid on them by the owners.
I do not think so because you will not know the person you are dealing with and you never can tell either the person is a fraudster or not. For instance, a colleague of mine sold his old vehicle, added money to the amount he got and he sent it to an online dealer who auctioned cars. Only to find out they were fraudsters. This will not get our country anywhere. Let us not forget, Customs are known for corruption.
It will be a good development but its success depends on availability of three things which are; political will, handled by professional and done with sincerity of purpose and unquestionable transparency.
It will work if good measures are put in place and it will help curb corruption,generate more funds through the use of internet. I think with online auction of seized goods, there will be transparency.
It can work if properly managed but anything sold online in this country can be manipulated.
It is a welcome development if Customs know how to handle its operation. Auctioning of goods online is a medium of selling goods faster and making the price worthwhile for all consumers.
I have no iota reservation against e-auction of seized goods by Nigeria Customs Service. It is a welcome development where interested people can bid for goods and the highest bidder claim the goods if he/she meets up with the requirement. Prior to this development, a lot of fraudsters have been claiming to be an ex-customs officer on various social media platforms stating that they were instructed to auction goods for sale like vehicles at half price of the current market value. But the most important question is how will Customs manage this process seamlessly and outsmart internet fraudsters who have been using this medium to exploit people?
Yes, because it will be auctioned at a reduced price and Nigerians love reduced and discounted goods.Also, it will provide a means of transparency from Customs therefore attracting numerous citizens to want to participate in the process.
Auctioning of seized items online will not work because the money obtained from such may not be properly remitted into the government account.
It will work only if Nigerians allow such because the goods are seized from them and are about to be auctioned to the same Nigerians for certain prices.If Customs seized imported goods for certain reasons, then should it be sold? Because I believe the goods must have been seized for either being illegal or contraband. Then if that is the case, why should it be the same Customs auctioning these goods. Well, Nigerians do not care if the goods auctioned are seized or not.People will find it safe buying from Customs because there will be genuine evidence to show for it especially when it comes to vehicle.
I think it is a good idea which will enhance transparency to some extent because it will save time and money.There will be quick, instant access to result and price updates. Provided the process is well managed without any political influence which we are known for.
Yes, it will. We are in a digital world where distance is not a barrier in interacting with people in other parts of the world.Online auction is convenient for people as they can participate from anywhere and anytime and it can save time and money.
I am always sceptical about online sales and when it comes to Nigeria, I really do not trust anyone or any government agency. I believe in seeing what I want to buy physically.Even outside Nigeria, there are fraudsters also. I think there is a lot to do in this regard in Nigeria because the laws are not protective enough.There has to be a lot of publications on governing laws on the sales as well as adverts on consumer protection in case of defective, non-delivery of goods ordered including the time frame for a replacement.
I believe online auction of seized goods is a double edge move. Without proper documentation and management, the people who got their goods seized can still bid for it. Checks and balances have to be in place.Though, it is a good initiative. It will also be a way to reach out to Nigerians and not to be dependent on government budget.
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