This is shameful for the self-acclaimed giant of Africa status we seem to claim to ourselves as a country. The sacked service chiefs while on their various duties failed woefully to tackle the rampaging activities and operations of terrorism, kidnapping, murder, robberies and other forms of criminalities across the country. This nomination means that the President rewarded mediocrity and failure. In other developed and developing countries, people are nominated for ambassadorial and other positions based on merit and performance, but in Nigeria it is otherwise. How can they be nominated while the insecurity in Nigeria is extreme?

At first, I didn’t see the decision as a good one based on how unpopular this government and its policies have become. These people were retired because they couldn’t deliver the desired result and almost immediately, they were saddles with another responsibility. However, this might help the country in the comity of nations based on their military expertise; they might add a great value at the end of the day.

I feel the nomination of the ex-service chiefs was a diversionary tactic by the government to take the people’s minds away from discussing key issues of poor governance in the country. At a time our health and education sectors have completely collapsed and the insecurity issue is festering every second, the President threw up a non-issue to divert our attention. This is rather unfortunate.

The President appointing the ex-service chiefs as ambassadors isn’t right. These same people have been in service for years, they have contributed their quota. Why not allow other people with fresh ideas to contribute theirs too. It is high time we stop patronising the same set of people. We need to be progressive not retrogressive.

The appointment of these ex-service chiefs as ambassadors is not a good idea. These people have always been in charge yet nothing worthy of note was achieved. It is disheartening that we keep moving around in circles in this country. Why do power always have to keep revolving around these same people when we have young and vibrant individuals that are capable and equal to the task.

These appointments clearly show lack of accountability and human rights violation by this government.Why appoint the same set of people, some of who still have pending charges with the International Criminal Court (ICC)? I hope the same Senate that declared them incompetent before, also declare them incompetent now.

The ex-service chiefs were not able to stop insurgency in the country. How are we sure they will be good representatives of the country? We need new competent hands in government and I think the federal government should look beyond their old circles.

Agege, Lagos
This is an international embarrassment. President Muhammadu Buhari’s action is tantamount to rewarding incompetence at the expense of the nations’ global image and perception. I think the President just wants to shield them from being investigated and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) already probing the atrocities and crimes against humanity which they committed.

Maybe by putting their level of exposure into consideration, one can understand where the President is coming from. However, he should also consider that they were removed for incompetence. Let’s watch and see how they will represent us across the globe.

This is not acceptable because these people just left office as a result of the bitter outcry by Nigerians. It is expected that they should go and take a deserved rest so that they can truly reflect on why Nigerians insist they should exit office. But instead of doing that, the President is trying to give them more glory. There is nothing wrong in giving such appointments to people that are retired and not tired, but these people are retired and tired. Assuming that they were not tired, it would have been a different ball game because everybody is important. In the Army and elsewhere, if you are retired, you can be recalled to serve if you are good. This development does not foretell well for our country. It does not encourage hard work. It means we don’t like excellence. I expected the President to have allowed them some time to rest so that when they are found to be useful again, they can be engaged in other areas. It should not be immediate. I don’t see the rationale, and if I were them, I would reject the appointment and go take some rest. They were overworked hence their outputs declined and diminishing returns set in. It is mockery on the country. You cannot be engaging people that have shown that they no longer have something to offer.

It saddens my heart that we keep moving around in circles in this country. I don’t know why the presidency has to keep recycling this same set of people when we have youths that are capable and equal to the task.

This is unacceptable. How can you appoint people that failed the country as the security chiefs of the country? Why can’t the government appoint younger people with bright minds who will work with creative minds and are diligent to their work and bring about the change that our country clamours for.

President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has not kept any of its campaign promises. States are forming their own security outfits. The security situation in the country has overwhelmed the government and they need to apologise for their failure. The ex-service chiefs failed in their duty and were rewarded with ambassadorial positions. It is a shame on this government and the service chiefs.

These people were accused of war crimes and many called for their investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Under their watch, terrorism and banditry thrived. Making the ex-service chiefs ambassadors is like putting an old wine into a new bottle. I think the President only did that to cover up their shame.
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