It has not been an easy one at all. It has been boring and PHCN are making matters worse. Getting food stuffs has not been easy and even the time limit the government gave people to go the market is nothing because there is no means of transportation to get to the market or shops. I can’t wait for the lockdown restriction to be lifted so everyone can go about their normal activities.

The lockdown has been boring because one can’t go to a place of your choice, you can’t get something of your choice. This lockdown is like being confined in a cage. I would say it has helped me to appreciate people the more and see life as nothing. Although, I must say the lockdown has really affected a lot of things especially the economy and I am afraid people might lose their job. I want to urge the government to help Nigerians during this period because so many people are suffering especially the masses.

At first I was coping because I use most of the time to rest and do things I have not had time to do but when it was extended on Monday, it dawned on me that it was not getting funny anymore and we hear cases of the Coronavirus kept increasing by the day. I am afraid the government might ask us to stay home more than we are already doing. Staying in door is a sickness on its own to people who are not use to it.

I feel this lockdown is helping us in Nigeria because we would have had more cases than what we have already. It has not been easy but it is just for a little while. My fear is that people are hungry and this is killing some people and I am deeply concerned about the recent spike of insecurity across Lagos State and its environs. My heart goes out to everyone who has been at the receiving end. The government is to ensure that our security agencies are at their best this period in order to save lives and properties.

Port Harcourt
This period is a terrible situation we all put ourselves in because if we were at alert as a country, then I am sure we won’t have been in this mess. I must confess that this lockdown has made me to value my family, movement and sharpen my knowledge on learning. What I expect the government to do for all citizens is to make food and electricity sufficient for everyone because it is their right of duty. For instance, look at what other countries are doing for their citizens.

I am making the most out of the lockdown. I have been busy with research on social media about how to improve myself, bonding with my family and tutoring my kids. Although, electricity supply has not been good in my area but what can one do. I want the government to put smile on people’s faces by helping; it has not been an easy one because people that feed their families from the money they make daily are in jeopardy because there is no means of surviving.

It is boring staying at home all day, sleeping and eating. It has been frustrating because it is something everyone is not use to but it’s necessary to save the lives of Nigerians and we just have to comply. Also, this period is helping me to learn different skills and putting my craft of slippers making to use.

As odd as this lockdown seems, we have no choice than to obey because it is health first and we have to consider all the efforts the government is put in place to curb the spread of this virus. I would advise that people should make use of the lockdown in a positive way.

The lockdown has been more effective so far so good in the developed countries of the world and this is as a result of the world class facilities and institutions in those countries. These facilities and institutions have aided in the effectiveness of the lockdown. You cannot confine a people without facilities or rather basic needs like portable water, food, shelter. Some of our people roam the streets without a place to call home. Think about things like electricity and others that have alleviated the effects of lockdown in Europe, America and other parts of the world. These factors coupled with others have made the lockdown less effective or even out rightly ineffective in Nigeria. You cannot confine a ravenous man to his house and anticipate him to comply voluntarily. It is highly unlikely! So, that is why we have had shortcomings and even heard of alleged confrontations between the security personnel and the citizens in some parts of Nigeria. They cannot prevent someone whose foodstuffs have exhausted and ate last more than 24 hours ago. It is a well established fact that a hungry man is an angry man. Thus, anticipate a furious display in an effort to survive. Therefore, Nigerian government must do more than they have done in order to mitigate the hardships the people face as a result of this. Firstly, I think it will not be out of place if salaries are paid earlier than usual for civil servants, as so many people have suggested. Secondly, the most vulnerable members of the society should be truly supported just as the government has started. This should be encouraged and improved upon for better result. I am excited to hear that the members House of Representatives are seeking for two months free electricity for Nigerians. I hope it will be granted. I must say citizens have to support government in all ways we can. To put it better, we must all support ourselves. Supporting the constituted authorities to curb the spread of COVID-19 is directly supporting ourselves against the novel virus that has the potentials to cause even more harm to the world. Thus, all Nigerians must play an active role in fighting and defeating this virus because we all long for the priceless taste of normalcy.
The lockdown is the right way to go whether we like it or not. The spread of the virus needs to be tamed and tamed fast. We could argue of not having enough time to prepare for it, but the virus won’t wait for anyone. I must say it has not been easy for anyone; also the government needs to help citizens during this period because it is little we all can do.
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