Having a new uniform for operation is not a problem. The only thing constant in life is change; if those in charge of the Nigeria Customs Service have good reasons for introducing the new uniform, then, all well and good. However, in most cases such changes are usually a cover for the embezzlement of the public funds – that is a situation whereby the cost of sewing a uniform for an officer will be outrageously overpriced.
I often say “If you restrict people in the civil service from stealing, they will certainly devise a means to outsmart you.” That said, the new uniform is not needed in a time like this that the country is complaining about insufficient funds. We should not forget that billions of naira will go into this. Can’t the government invest the money reasonably in our economy? Whichever way it is viewed by the initiators of this project, the government needs to critically examine the rationale behind this introduction.

Governance in Nigeria always defies logic. In the current economic climate, it is only in this country that a government agency will be placing priority on new uniforms. I do not see any reason for this project by the NCS. What I expect the NCS to ask for is resources for the procurement of valuable tools to enhance operations. Our borders are porous; smugglers bring in their goods any time they deemfit. These are the important areas Customs officers should be seen working effortlessly rather than asking for change in uniform.

What is the essence of the new uniform when the Comptroller General of Customs will not wear it? Was it not Hameed Ali that said it does not matter whether he puts on uniform or not? So who is the uniform being made for? I see this as another way of siphoning money into their pockets; this trick has been used in the police service in the past when changing uniform became a pastime.We know how it was used to bleed the treasury.

“Give the dog a bad name and kill it, if it is not working, change the colour”. No, I don’t agree with the introduction of the new uniform. How has new uniform helped the Nigeria Police Force? Will a new uniform make them more efficient or above board? The system, not the uniform needs to be overhauled.

It is a good development and I agree with it. They can have as many uniforms as they want to as long as it does not stop them from carrying out their statutory responsibilities. Besides they can’t continue using one uniform for their operations and also for ceremonial functions. If you look at the Airforce, Navy, Immigration and the Police, you will discover that they have different colours of uniform for their operations and ceremonial functions. This is long overdue and should be encouraged.

Well, I feel the change of uniform is unnecessary. Instead of channelling money intochangingof uniforms, why not use the money for rebranding the NCS? I think they need more training for improved performance in their duties and better delivery. Also, there is need for more ammunition too.

The essence of a uniform is to create a singular appearance, camaraderie and brotherhood. When this is achieved, leading a group becomes easier, the ranks are to identify authority, seniority and valour. If all of these purposes have been satisfied by a uniform, why would there be need for a change? In addition to the regular uniform worn, there are ceremonial and combat uniforms as well. The focus should be the provision of sufficient quantity of the basic uniforms for the officers so as to ensure they always look smart and respectable.

I feel indifferent about the introduction of new uniform for the NCS because it is not going to change their behaviour; it is a waste of money. They should use the money for training and not embezzlement in the name of new uniform.

The challenge being faced at our borders should be ofparamount importance for the Comptroller General of Customs and not the introduction of new uniform. I vehemently oppose the introduction of the new uniform because it is a means to embezzleour money.A new uniform does not change the philosophy and mentality of our uniformed security personnel who are always prone to collecting bribe at every given opportunity. I urge the federal government to reconsider this unproductive idea. It is going to deplete the already bleeding treasury and open doors for looters to make the national treasury their safe haven for corruption.

I do not see need for a new uniform for the Customs because it will not improve their performance. It is just a scheme for one person to get a contract for his or her people to make money from something that is grossly unnecessary. When police uniform was changed, did they improve on their job or they got worse? I do not see the need for it because it is not going to change the situation of our borders. They should rather lay priority on the security of goods that come into the country.

Personally, I don’t really see a need to change the uniform of the Customs. I believe it is just another ploy to siphon funds from the government coffers. The only thing that needs a change is the orientation of the personnel because the level of corruption in that sector is very high. What the Comptroller General of Customs should have introduced is a stricter law at the nation’s borders that would curb the entry of substandard or contraband goods. A change of uniform should come after they have improved operations tremendously.

The management of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) is going in the right direction with the introduction of new uniform; it is not as if they are changing from the old uniform. The approval of the uniform is a welcome development and it will serve as additional uniform to officials of the organization.I think the new uniform will give the Custom officers variety of uniforms, depending on the weather and assignment at hand. The additional uniform which has white colour as the shirt, the usual ash coloured trouser with a tie to match is really nice. Customs officers working in offices, airport and especially during hot weather will find it easy and more comfortable to wear the uniform on duty.
I just hope that the additional uniform will help add value to the federal service scheme and boost their corporate image.

Having new uniform is uncalled for because it won’t intensify their work and doesn’t really add value to them. Except if they are thinking of neatness which make it reasonable to some extent but aside this, it is pointless to add to their uniform. because we don’t need to copy what others are doing by making the service distinct and unique. I feel there are many pressing issues to tackle instead of introduction of new uniform.

While I agree with the official use of the new uniform, it does not necessarily mean that this additional wear will help clean up their image. The Comptroller General of Customs has decided to shy away from putting on a uniform, so I see this cause as a smart move to reposition the NCS. In a nutshell, I don’t think the uniform is the problem but the system.

The idea of introducing new uniforms is ill-timed; that is not what the country should be spending money on now. The country is in a critical situation and money is needed for development not for spending on unnecessary things. The money to be used for the purchase of new uniforms should be deployed to the welfare of Customs officers. This will encourage them to carry out their operations effectively, they will have a sense of belonging and will be willing to give in their best.

It is a normal practice for security agencies to have different uniforms for different occasions but the question is, have the Customs done their job well to earn this? There is so much contraband in the society, endangering lives and the Customs are talking about new uniform. Do your job and you will be rewarded greatly. I will advise the Comptroller of General of the Customs to see to the welfare of his officers; he should be able to make amends on what needs to be met to enable them do their job properly.

The old uniform isn’t disturbing anybody; I don’t see any reason why their uniform is an issue now. This is another way of issuing a sewing contract to somebody. This money can be channelled to some other tangible projects other than this. I don’t see any reason why they areadding to the uniform they already have; an agency should stick to one identity that it is known for. The most important thing is for them to get their job done.
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