Aviation unions suspend picketing of Caverton Helicopters

The unions in the aviation sector on Monday suspended their plan to picket Caverton Helicopters Limited,…

Denmark to deploy sniffer drone to enforce IMO 2020 sulphur cap

Ahead of the implementation of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) fuel sulphur cap rule in January…

Trinidad and Tobago impounds $18m cocaine on LNG carrier

The authorities in Trinidad and Tobago have impounded 200kg of cocaine latched onto the LNG carrier…

U.S. sanctions 9 ships for carrying Venezuela oil 

The United States on Friday announced more sanctions on shipping companies transporting oil from Venezuela, blacklisting…

10 important shipping terms you should know

COD, CYCY, DM, and DT. Say what? For an untrained ear, this is just gibberish. To…

Fire guts RoRo ship off Saudi Arabia

The Al Fayrouz, a Panama-flagged RoRo ship was on Monday gutted by fire off Saudi Arabia’s…

NRC warns beggars, traders to stay off railway lines

The Lagos District Manager (RDM), Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) Jerry Oche, has said it is against…

12 die in Mali boat mishap 

A boat headed for market laden with merchandise and vendors capsized in the Niger River in…

Fire guts Imo cargo airport

There was pandemonium on Monday afternoon as fire gutted the arrival section of the Sam Mbakwe…

Nigeria records drop in piracy incidents in Q1 2019 – IMB

Nigeria recorded a drop in reported piracy incidents at sea in the first three months of…

Nigerian Maritime University holds maiden matriculation ceremony

The Nigerian Maritime University (NMU), Okerenkoko, Delta State, held its maiden matriculation ceremony on Saturday. Speaking…

WEEKEND XTRA: How Troy surprised me on his yacht

Troy and I have been together for two years. We have always talked about marriage, kids…