ITF criticises move to cut seafarers’ wages 

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has condemned a proposal by a coalition of Ukrainian trade…

Seafarers stranded in cold weather for three months off UK 

Seafarers on board the chemical tanker, Sea Emperor that was held at Fawley Port, the UK,…

Seafarers face ‘serious welfare and safety’ issues from Trump immigration order

Seafarer union Nautilus International is warning of “serious welfare and safety” issues arising from US President…

UK to defend industry against cheap foreign seafarers

The Government is preparing to defend the UK’s declining maritime industry against the rise of cheap…

Shipowners ask European Commission to revise directive on seafarers

European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) and European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) are requesting the European Commission…

We need stiffer enforcement of cabotage regulations to save jobs for local seafarers—Nwokolo

UgoNwokolo is the Managing Director/CEO of Oarsmann Maritime Services, a registered manning and crewing agency that…

Six seafarers kidnapped from Vietnamese bulker in southern Philippines 

Six seafarers have been kidnapped from a Vietnamese bulker sailing in the southern Philippines. The ReCAAP…

Seafarers’ charity director mourned after tragic death

The funeral of the national director of the Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) in South Africa…

How foreign vessels manipulate local seafarers out of job

  Foreign vessels operating in Nigerian cabotage areas are taking advantage of lapses in cabotage trade…

Union says UK flag is failing seafarers on ACL ships

New UK-flagged vessels are failing the shipping industry by not employing domestic seafarers, according to the…

Mission to Seafarers to help Hanjin seafarers

Maritime welfare charity The Mission to Seafarers has offered to help South Korean shipping company Hanjin…

Seafarers urged to renew international STCW certificates  

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is urging seafarers with international qualifications to check the validity…